5 fun facts about Netflix's Squid Game that will surprise you!

Squid Game is officially Netflix's biggest show ever, and frankly, we're not surprised! It only aired its first season in September, but by now you'll find it hard to find someone who hasn't binge-watched the epic series. If you're a fan of the show, there's no doubt you're just as hungry as us for more content on the show, and until we wait for the announcement for Squid Game season 2, we've been busy gathering fun facts about the wild show that could very well surprise you. Read on to find out 5 fun facts about Netflix's Squid Game.
Squid Game Fun Fact 1
According to LadBible, Squid Game might have been known by a different name. Reports claim that before the producers settled on "Squid Game" the show was going to be called "Round Six," or "Squid Game: Play to Die".
Squid Game Fun Fact 2
Originally, the creator, writer and director of Squid Game, Hwang Dong-hyuk had something different in mind when he pitched the idea to Netflix. According to reports, Hwang Dong-hyuk planned to make Squid Game into a movie not a series!
Squid Game Fun Fact 3
According to reports, it cost a grand total of £12.3 million to make the series! All the sets were designed from scratch specifically for the series, so it's no wonder it had a pretty big price tag at the end.
Squid Game Fun Fact 4
You know that creepy doll from game 1 of Red Light Green Light? Well, it turns out that the doll is REAL! Or so reports claim anyway.
Squid Game Fun Fact 5
Hwang says he originally developed the script for Squid Game in 2008, but it took over a decade before he finally found a home - with Netflix - for his epic idea.