Angela and Dwight Almost Got Pregnant Way Earlier on in 'The Office,' According to 'Office Ladies'

The Office is long over, but thankfully, fans can still reminisce back on the show thanks to Office Ladies—a podcast dedicated to all things Office related, from two of the most important members of Dunder Mifflin.
Former co-stars Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey host the show, and used their most recent episode to drop some major tea while talking about filming "The Convention" episode. As Mashable reports, apparently Dwight and Angela almost got pregnant in the third season, as opposed to in Season 8.
"Here's a little interesting tidbit about this," Angela began saying on the podcast. "There was a different scene at the table read that didn't make it into the shooting draft where I was upset with Dwight that he was going [to the convention] and Dwight and I have this exchange in the kitchen where I'm upset with him."
"Then at the very end I say, 'I'm late,'" Kinsey continued. "And it's like this cliffhanger. It's like, 'What? Is she pregnant?'"
Of course, that's not actually how the show worked out, but Kinsey admitted producers were pretty close to flipping the script. "That did not end up getting shot," she added. "That did not happen. 'Cause I think, Jenna, as soon as we read it out loud... I think Greg was like, 'Wait, maybe this is too soon, right?'"
It's super strange to think about how differently the show would have turned out had Angela been pregnant so early on in the show, but alas, the two lovebirds kept their romance a secret for many seasons to come!