Ariana Grande Explains Why Feud With Piers Morgan is Over

Billboard Women In Music 2018 - Inside
Billboard Women In Music 2018 - Inside / Kevin Mazur

Okay, the most confusing fight ever has just been resolved. Spanning over months, a feud between two of the most unlikely people, Ariana Grande and Piers Morgan, has finally ended.

This might get confusing so sit tight.

,Now, if you'll recall, the fight started over Morgan throwing shade at Grande's friends Little Mix, after they posed nude. He tweeted that one member, Jesy, should put some clothes on.


Then Ariana's mother, of all people, got into the mix and said this:

This was Morgan's response, which brought Ariana into the fight.

Ariana responded in numerous tweets, calling out the TV personality.

She shut him down immediately. Now fast forward to today, which is probably the most confusing part of the story. Out of no where and without any explanation, Morgan tweets this:

To make things even more confusing, Grande's response turned some heads when she thanked him as well.

So you can see why fans were completely dumb struck when they read this.

To clear up the confusion, Grande bumped into Morgan out one night and they decided to talk out their problems with one another and it proved to be beneficial. They made up!

Fans then proceeded to applaud Grande for being a mature respectful person for solving the issue. She didn't have to confront Morgan in person.

The best part of this story? Morgan's tweets after they cleared the air:

Well that solves that. Everything is right in the world again.

[h/t: Buzz Feed]