Chris Evans Reveals He Started Going to Therapy After Accepting Captain America Role
By Hannah Wigandt

You'd think that being cast as Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be any actor's dream, but from Chris Evans' point of view, the thought of taking the role of one of the biggest superheroes ever was almost unbearable.
What many fans don't know is that Evans actually turned the role down not once but twice, and was totally opposed to doing another superhero movie after the Fantastic Four films.
"Getting the [Captain America] offer felt to me like the epitome of temptation. The ultimate job offer, on the biggest scale. I'm supposed to say no to this thing. It felt like the right thing to do," Evans recalled to The Hollywood Reporter.
After Evans denied Marvel's nine-movie deal and then again when they renegotiated a six-movie deal, the actor was invited out to see the studios. But Evans said his mind wasn't changing.
"You see the pictures, and you see the costumes, and it's cool. But I'd now woken up the day after saying no and felt good, twice," Evans stated.
It was only after consulting with friends, including Robert Downey Jr., that Evans caved and took Marvel's deal. But instead of celebrating his new role, the actor said he ran straight to see a therapist for the first time in his adult life.
Now, Evans says he goes to see his therapist even if nothing is wrong. His sessions have allowed him to grow as a person and overcome his fear and anxiety about playing one of the biggest roles in movies today.
You can see Evans play Captain America for likely the last time when Avengers: Endgame hits theaters on April 26.