Domhnall Gleeson Says 'The Rise of Skywalker' Script Was 'Different' Than What He Expected
By Ryan Carroll

After the shocking twists and turns of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, all eyes are on the upcoming The Rise of Skywalker to tie up the series’ loose threads and give a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. This week, star Domhnall Gleeson shared his thoughts on the series, saying that the script was different from his expectations.
Gleeson discussed the script with Collider, explaining, "It was cool, it was a page-turner. It was different than what I had thought. It was great. It was exciting. And, also, you feel part of this tiny club that gets to read these things ahead of other people and that feels great. I really did enjoy that. I think it's gonna be cool."
Domhnall Gleeson talks #TheKitchen & reading #TheRiseOfSkywalker script for the first time.
— Collider Video (@ColliderVideo) August 7, 2019
Previously, the actor, who plays the villainous General Hux in the sequel trilogy, expressed anxiety about reading the scripts to the series, worrying that he’ll spoil them. “I made the terrible mistake of reading the script, I know everything," he shared on the Happy Sad Confused podcast. "The nightmare is falling asleep on public transport... The nightmare is you wake up on a plane and someone's dictating. You wake up and your mouth is shaping words, you wake up and you're like 'Skywalker did this.'”
While we appreciate Gleeson’s attentiveness to not spoiling the films, we're also interested in just how the Rise of Skywalker script was not what he was expecting. Dec. 20 can't come soon enough.