'Game of Thrones' Fans Speculate What Euron is Staring Up at in New Episode Teaser [SPOILERS]
By Hannah Wigandt

This story includes spoilers for 'Game of Thrones' Season 8, Episode 4, "The Last of the Starks."
In Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4, "The Last of the Starks," we saw just how truly dangerous Euron Greyjoy and his fleet could be towards Daenerys Targaryen and her army, especially her dragons. Now with the final battle coming in the remaining two episodes, fans are starting to speculate what Euron's role will be.
Euron is definitely equipped to take on anything Daenerys throws at him, as we saw him single-handedly take down Rhaegal with his enormous dragon-killing crossbows. It's expected he will continue to fight for Cersei Lannister in her battle for the Iron Throne, but his reaction to something in the Episode 5 preview has some fans questioning if there could be something coming that's about to stop him.
In the new teaser, Euron is looking up at something with a look of shock on his face. This one clip has prompted Reddit user Drewbiet to ask if he could be staring at a resurrected Rhaegal. The fan writes:
"People think that it could be another dragon that we haven’t seen yet, or it could be Rhaegal. Someone said Rhaegal could’ve been brought back to the life by the Drowned God maybe? It would make sense considering Jon Snow is the only person to have rode him and he was revived as well. What do you guys think?"
To refresh your memory, the Drowned God is a sea god that the ironborn worship, who has the power to resurrect the drowned.
Fans in the comments section of the Reddit post also believe it could be a dragon, but not Rhaegal--another one we didn't know existed. Others, however, have been theorizing that Drogon will be getting some armor made by Gendry, so perhaps that's what Euron is looking up at in the teaser.
Now we know why Euron looked worried. Are there more dragons? #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/8i2mhlaBca
— Nafs e Nabi (@nafsenabi) May 7, 2019
There are tons of ideas going around regarding what Euron's seeing, but we won't know for sure until Game of Thrones continues with its fifth episode of the final season on Sunday.