Gwendoline Christie Explains Why She Was Happy With Brienne's Ending in 'Game of Thrones'

You can count on one hand the amount of characters in Game of Thrones who remained truly noble for the duration of the show, but none of them hold a candle to the bravery and integrity of Brienne of Tarth.
Which is why Gwendoline Christie, the actor who played the mighty warrior, couldn’t be more thrilled with how Brienne’s storyline ended.
Christie recently stopped by People and explained the joy (and grief) she felt wrapping a character she had grown to admire so much over the years. She stated, “I love that she has so much unabashed physical strength, but we also see the complexity of her struggle with her physical self and how she fits into a man’s world.”
And she isn’t the only one. Christie also said she has received an immense amount of positive feedback from female fans over the years. “I have been really encouraged by the response from women to that warrior,” she stated. “A woman who is a warrior but who also has a very deep sensitivity, a very strong moral sense and a deeply rich emotional world which she struggles to hide. I hope what it means is that we see more three-dimensional female characters.”
Christie added that she is even more proud of how Brienne was able to hold onto these qualities, even after her heartbreak with Jaime Lannister, explaining:
“I love that Brienne elects to have this romantic moment with Jaime Lannister and that it’s her choice to have that… my favorite point was that she gets the promotion that she’s always wanted…how it ends is not about her relationship with a man, but about her fulfilling her destiny and her work. And that’s delighted me. That the woman goes back to work!”
Though the last season of GoT was divisive, I think everyone can agree that Christie and Brienne were amazing, and that the star's Emmy nomination is very well-deserved.