Here's What Fans Are Saying About Marvel's Avengers Game Reveal
By Ryan Carroll

At the E3 gaming expo this week, publisher Square Enix and developer Crystal Dynamics revealed their newest project: Marvel’s Avengers, an original adaptation of the superhero team. While the game premiered to positive reactions during its initial reveal, the subsequent social media response has been rather mixed, with some fans expressing tentative excitement and others raising an eyebrow at several of the game’s elements.
Among the most prominent points of contention, according to ScreenRant, is the character designs in the game’s trailer, which make notable departures from both the comic book and film character designs. Some critics, for example, drew attention to the costume designs, with one drawing a comparison between Captain America and a character from the superhero parody film Mystery Men. Others remarked that it was strange to see the game’s characters, who were not modeled on any Avengers stars, not resemble their onscreen counterparts.
I didn't think seeing the avengers not looking like the MCU versions was going to be so weird for me. But it is.
— Max Boardman (@Millbeeful) June 11, 2019
They look like a strange bootleg Avengers in my brain.
Major U.S.A
Steel Guy
Dark Spider
The Bulk
While many fans appreciated the announcement that the game would include no microtransactions or loot boxes, there was lingering doubt about the fact that little gameplay footage was shown. However, according to ScreenRant, the game would be available on the E3 show floor to play.
Nonetheless, there has been some appreciation of the game, with fans expressing enthusiasm for the game’s apparent adaptation of the Avengers Disassembled storyline. The reveal trailer for the game indicates that, following a catastrophe that apparently kills Captain America, the Avengers disband, only to reunite five years later to face a new threat.
Though the story sounds interesting, we’re keeping our expectations at a reasonable level for Marvel’s Avengers--we’ll see just what it looks like when it’s released on May 15, 2020. In the meantime, we’ll be contemplating just what it is about the game’s characters that makes them look so weird.