How Andy Bernard From 'The Office' Would Be Handling Coronavirus Quarantine, According to Ed Helms

In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, actor Ed Helms opened up about the importance of The Office, his new projects, and how he thinks his Dunder Mifflin counterpart would be handling coronavirus quarantine.
Helms' new film for Netflix, Coffee & Kareem, dropped on the streaming platform April 3, and in the interview he also discusses his foray into comedy with The Hangover, along with his stint as a correspondent on The Daily Show. But more importantly, the actor reflects on his iconic role of Andy Bernard—and ponders how the character would fare in today's climate. You can check out the interview below.
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“It depends on when in the series you catch Andy," Helms explains. "There are moments where he’s almost manic. I feel like he’d be fine doing little a cappella jams on his phone for days.” However, fans know Andy isn't always the steadiest guy.
“One of my favorite Andy lines of all time — and I can’t even remember the episode or what he was talking about exactly — but he’s clearly in a bad way and he’s kind of depressed," the actor recalls. "He says something like, 'I mean, last night, I ate a pizza over the sink like a rat.' That’s the Andy that would really spin out during quarantine."
Well, it seems like Andy would be doing about as well as the rest of us! If you care to determine how the character, along with everyone else at Dunder Mifflin, would do in quarantine yourself, no better time than now for another binge of the entire series!