Jenelle Evans Reveals She Might Return to 'Teen Mom 2'

Though MTV stopped filming Jenelle Evans for Teen Mom 2 earlier this year after her husband, David Eason, killed their family dog, Evans states there is a possibility that she could return to the beloved series.
Evans and Eason stopped by People for an interview this week, where the mom-of-three was asked where she stands with MTV. Evans sounded a little unsure as she responded, stating, “My relationship with MTV right now — we just left it on a civil note. And, you know, apparently I’m still in an open contract, I hear.”
She added that, though the media has stated she was canned from the show, people at the network have told her otherwise. Evans explained, “I hear that, you know, I’m not fired…So, I mean, I’m confused, because I only talk to one of my old producers, but no one else will speak to me, so I don’t know. Things have been very hush-hush.”
When asked if she would ever return to the show if given to opportunity, the 27-year-old star stated “maybe,” but only if the showrunners promised to show the good parts of her life, along with the dramatic. She explained, “But I would have to, I’ve been working with them for so long, just the editing is not good.”
#TeenMom2 star Jenelle Evans has been officially fired from the show! Read MTV's statement and find out how it happened:
— The Ashley (@TheAshleysRR) May 7, 2019
People reached out to MTV after the interview to confirm Evans' statement about not being fired, but they declined to respond. Instead, they reissued their previous statement about “ending their relationship” with Eason in Feb. 2018, and with Jenelle in April 2019.
I think it is pretty unlikely we will see this notorious couple back on Teen Mom 2 anytime soon, but it's interesting to know Jenelle considers it a possibility.