One Epic Jim Halpert Connection Between the First and Final Season of 'The Office' You Might've Missed

For nine seasons, John Krasinski portrayed Jim Halpert on NBC's The Office, and people of course still love his character today. The workplace comedy series, which ran from 2005 to 2013, continues to make audiences laugh through streaming and TV reruns.
Reddit user adrianorivera must be one of those diehard fans that has seen the show over and over again, because they pointed out a connection between the first and last season of the show that I'd never noticed before. Apparently, Jim’s first and last one-on-one shots with the camera feature the same quote. "My job is to speak to clients on the phone about quantities and types of copier paper," Jim tells the camera.
You can check out the comparison below. The first clip is from the premiere season of The Office, while the second clip is from the last. The most striking change is how different Jim's hair is!
The clip made fans on Reddit seriously nostalgic. "I remember that because I finished the series and immediately restarted and had déjà vu," one user wrote. "Clearly this repetition is a sign that [The Office] is meant to be an endless loop...the beginning is the end and the end is the beginning," another theorized. It's so much fun to notice something new when you rewatch your favorite show!
If you love funny stories about the cast of The Office, read about the time using his role as Jim backfired on Krasinski here.