'Joker's Marc Maron Doesn't Agree With Todd Phillips' 'Woke Culture' Comments

Marc Maron, the wrestling coach we have come to love in GLOW, has a different opinion on the current state of comedy from Todd Phillips. The 56-year-old comedian, who has a role in Phillips' Joker, took fault with the director's recent comments about how difficult it is to be funny in "woke culture."
In fact, it seems like all of Twitter took fault with his comments. To give a little context, Phillips, who also directed the Hangover trilogy, recently spoke up about contemporary comedy in the Vanity Fair cover story for Joaquin Phoenix. In the piece, he shared:
"There were articles written about why comedies don’t work anymore—I’ll tell you why, because all the f**king funny guys are like, ‘F**k this sh*t, because I don’t want to offend you.' It’s hard to argue with 30 million people on Twitter. You just can’t do it, right? So you just go, ‘I’m out.'"
Now, according to ComicBook.com, Maron himself spoke out against Phillips' concept that comedy is over in today's society. He said on his podcast, WTF With Marc Maron:
"There’s plenty of people being funny right now. Not only being funny, but being really f**king funny. There are still lines to be rode. If you like to ride a line, you can still ride a line. If you want to take chances, you can still take chances. Really, the only thing that’s off the table, culturally, at this juncture –and not even entirely– is shamelessly punching down for the sheer joy of hurting people. For the sheer excitement and laughter that some people get from causing people pain, from making people uncomfortable, from making people feel excluded. Y’know, that excitement."
Totally accurate.
After Phillips' initial comments, the Joker director explained how he took his frustration and made the DC film, explaining:
"With all my comedies—I think that what comedies in general all have in common—is they’re irreverent. So I go, ‘How do I do something irreverent, but f*ck comedy? Oh I know, let’s take the comic book movie universe and turn it on its head with this.’"
So out of Phillips' unsure footing in the world of comedy today, he managed to flip the comic book narrative and the result was Joker, which has broken box office records and is climbing its way up the ladder for potential Oscar nominations. In the end, not bad at all—divisive comments or not.