Kim Kardashian's Family Christmas Card Slammed for Alleged Photoshop
By Rachel Reed

In 2019, two things have proven certain on social media. Firstly, Kim Kardashian is going to post beautiful family photos. Secondly, fans are going to take a magnifying glass to every square inch of them to spot alleged Photoshop fails faster than you can say "cheese."
According to RadarOnline, Kim is once again getting slammed left and right after sharing this year's family Christmas card. Check out the photo below and see if you spot anything off about it.
Well? It's certainly not as catastrophic as the Halloween fiasco, but the most questionable detail people are pointed out is North's gaze. As you can see, she's not making eye contact with the camera, but does seem to be making eye contact with some camera. It seems more than likely that she was edited into the photo, but we aren't positive.
Some also called Kim out on the lighting and shadows, unsurprisingly. One person wrote, "Y’all really need to get a better editor. The [P]hotoshopping is always a mess,” while another commenter said, "Why all the kids look like stickers?”
This eagle-eyed fan base clearly doesn't miss a thing.