Kit Harington Explains One Struggle He Had Playing Jon Snow in 'Game of Thrones'

During the eight exciting seasons of Game of Thrones, Jon Snow had to deal with some pretty sticky situations: battles, girlfriends, giants, death…you name it. But Kit Harington, the actor who brought the bastard from Winterfell to life, admits that there was something besides these intense obstacles that made his role so daunting.
Complex reports that the 32-year-old spoke on a panel at ACE Comic Con this past weekend and discussed everything from GoT and his upcoming role as Dane Whitman in The Eternals, to his love of Harry Potter. But the British actor surprised everyone when, during the conversation, he revealed that playing Jon Snow was really intimidating for him. He explained:
“One of the struggles about playing Jon... was always playing someone who was a better person than me. He’s good to his core. He’s loyal, he’s brave, he’s honest, he’s truthful to his very core, and I think that playing alongside a character like that for 10 years of your life is intimidating somewhat.”
Though Harington believes that Jon is a better person than him, he's hopeful that being in his head for a decade helped realign his moral compass. He added, “You’re playing alongside someone who is the very essence of good and brave, so I can only hope that some of him does live in on in me, or that I learned something from him.”
Maybe Jon Snow knew some stuff after all.