LEGO Brought a Life-Sized Iron Man to Comic-Con [SPOILERS]

This story includes spoilers for 'Avengers: Endgame.'
San Diego Comic-Con is now in full swing, promising exclusive panels, amazing interviews, collectors’ items, and epic installations of fan-favorite movies, comics, and characters.
This year, LEGO is stealing the show with their life-size Iron Man statue. The mind-blowing structure stands at six-and-a-half foot statue, weighs 188 pounds, consists of 35,119 bricks, and took Lego Master Builders 225 hours to design and build, The Hollywood Reporter reports.
The statue couldn’t come at a more perfect time. With the death of Tony Stark (played by Robert Downey Jr.) in Avengers: Endgame, fans have obviously been nostalgic about Iron Man, clamoring for any reminder of the iconic character’s journey.
If you are one of the lucky fans at Comic-Con this year, be sure to check out the larger-than-life LEGO statues. If you can’t attend, you can always re-watch Avengers: Endgame to get your Tony Stark fix. The film will be available on Blu-ray and DVD Aug. 13.
This article also appears on Mental Floss.