Mark Hamill Urges Fans to Wear Masks Amid the Pandemic by Incorporating His Two Most Iconic Roles

As the coronavirus pandemic wages on and cases are on the rise as states attempt to reopen, there has been a renewed effort to get people to wear a mask when they go out in public. Celebrities have been using their platform to encourage their fans to take the appropriate safety precautions and practice social distancing, and it looks like Mark Hamill is joining the bandwagon.
The Luke Skywalker actor is inspiring people the best way he can: by using his most iconic roles to get fans to wear a mask in public. Hamill posted a picture of himself on Twitter as Luke from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, dramatically pulling his cloak over his Batman-themed face covering. This Jedi is sporting Joker's unnerving smile! Fans will recall that Hamill has voiced the Joker in various animated DC projects since the early ’90s, including Batman: The Animated Series and Justice League.
"#DontBeAJoker_WearAMask," Hamill cleverly wrote. You can check out the tweet below.
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) July 3, 2020
Needless to say, followers on Twitter were loving the combination of Hamill's characters for a good cause. The actor loves using social media to engage with his fans and to reveal awesome behind-the-scenes stories about Star Wars. Read all about the time he revealed which line in Star Wars: A New Hope was unscripted here!