Petition is Seeking 'Game of Thrones' Season 8 Remake With 'Competent Writers'
By Hannah Wigandt

Given the extremely high expectations fans had for the final season of Game of Thrones, it’s no surprise that many viewers are upset with certain choices the series' showrunners have made thus far. The final season has undoubtedly been the most divisive in the show’s history, and fans are angry. Really angry. So angry that some of them have started a petition asking that the HBO hit's eighth season be remade with "competent writers." And it’s getting a ton of support.
We all know that in ending a show as massively popular as Game of Thrones, there's no possible way that the showrunners could please everyone. But after the fiery events of the penultimate episode, “The Bells,” people have apparently had enough of seeing their favorite characters’ storylines swing in unexpected directions.
Since posting earlier this week, the petition has received more than 460,000 signatures with a total goal of 500,000, which will likely be met by the end of the day, considering how quickly they’re racking up. The page reads:
“David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have proven themselves to be woefully incompetent writers when they have no source material (i.e. the books) to fall back on. This series deserves a final season that makes sense. Subvert my expectations and make it happen, HBO!”
Despite how negatively fans are reacting to the final season, “The Bells” did score the highest viewership in Game of Thrones history, and we can only imagine that the finale, which airs on Sunday, will top that number. Whether any of the 460,000-plus people who have signed their names to the petition will be among them remains to be seen.
This article also appears on Mental Floss.