People Are Pleasantly Surprised After Farrah Abraham Sells Appearances to Raise Money for Australian Relief Funds

Wow—it's not everyday that Farrah Abraham gets internet kudos, but today seems to be the exception. The former Teen Mom OG star, famous not only from MTV but also for publicizing her butt injections and inexplicably tagging her daughter in her lingerie photoshoots, has finally done something altruistic.
As reported by Teen Mom Talk Now, Farrah announced on her Instagram Story that she is teaming up with Cameo to support those afflicted by the Australian bushfires. Cameo is an app that allows celebrities to interact with users through video messages.
The mom-of-one told her followers, “Hey guys. I am so, so honored that I get to donate some of my proceeds on Cameo to the Australian wildfires...So please book a Cameo with me, as the proceeds are going to the wildfire in Australia. I am so honored to take part of this and help wherever I can, and I get to do that with Cameo.”
Farrah added, "So if you have a daily affirmation that you’d love for me to send your way, or you want me to repeat your New Year’s resolution [or] sing your loved one a song… Or, early Valentine’s day is coming up!”
Many noted that Farrah isn't precise about naming the amount of proceeds to go to Australian fire relief and some questioned if it would be a minimal amount. But others said any attention for the cause was good attention, and it really is nice of Farrah to help out in any shape or form.