'Star Wars' Fan Theory Suggests 'Rise of Skywalker' Title Isn't Referring to Luke
By Ryan Carroll

In a fandom as expansive as that for the Star Wars franchise, new theories are emerging every day, particularly about the upcoming The Rise of Skywalker. This week, one emerged, postulating that the film’s title refers not to Luke Skywalker but actually to Anakin Skywalker.
According to The Independent, the theory is based upon a Reddit thread, referenced by but not actually cited by the outlet, that argues the film will see Anakin Skywalker return to bring balance to the Force and fulfill the Prophecy of the Chosen One, established in the Star Wars prequel films.
No explicit evidence is supplied in support of the theory, but The Independent does cite a recent Star Wars novel, The Secrets of the Jedi, in which Luke explains that the Force Ghosts of Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin returned from time to time to guide him, and taught him the technique to become a Force Ghost. As The Independent incisively remarks, “What’s to stop Anakin from returning again now that Luke has become one of these Force spirits?”
The theory also incorporates as ironclad and meaningful evidence the appearance of Hayden Christensen, who played Anakin Skywalker in the prequels, at this year’s Star Wars Celebration.
Regardless of this theory's validity, the rumor mill is certainly churning--and we’ll be sure to keep on the lookout of any other ideas that appear about The Rise of Skywalker before it hits theaters Dec. 20, 2019.