'Stranger Things' Fan is Hilariously Putting Up Fake Jim Hopper Campaign Signs in New York

Election time is upon us, and with it comes awkward holiday dinners, endless Facebook fights, presidential debates, and hilarious Saturday Night Live skits about the debates. While it can be a slightly overwhelming time for those in the U.S., one Stranger Things fan decided to turn the election season Upside Down by adding their own candidate to the ballot.
A Reddit user posted a picture in the Stranger Things subreddit showing a campaign yard sign made by New York artist Justin Mages that reads, “Jim Hopper: He’ll go to the Upside Down and back for you!” As if the fictional character running for what looks to be Erie County Executive wasn't hilarious enough, the sign also reads, “Paid for by Joyce Byers.”
Even in fictional elections, Joyce always has her friends’ backs.
Reddit users are loving the move, with many “casting” their votes for the rough-around-the-edges police chief, played by David Harbour. Though it is unclear if we will see Hopper in the upcoming fourth season of Stranger Things, as he supposedly died in Season 3 during an explosion while attempting to shut the gate to the Upside Down, it seems he is very much alive in the local elections of New York State.
Vote for Hop!
This article also appears on Mental Floss.