'Stranger Things' Season 3 Theory Argues Billy's Death Might Not Actually Be Real

The third season of Stranger Things pushed the limits, showing the most awkward of teen romances, the most gruesome of monsters, and, of course, the most heartbreaking of deaths.
Jim Hopper and Billy Hargrove lost their lives in the fight against the Mind Flayer. Hopper sacrificed himself to close the gate to the Upside Down, though we didn't see it on screen. Billy, on the other hand, was a host of the Mind Flayer. Eleven helped him regain control of his body and mind using a memory of his mother. Billy also died sacrificing himself, standing up to the monster so it took its focus off of Eleven.
Though fans have speculated that Hopper is still alive, Bustle posted a theory that will make you think twice about Billy's demise.
Bustle argues that Billy is likely to still be alive because, firstly, his body didn’t turn into disgusting goo after he died like the other hosts, showing that his connection to the beast was different. They also point out that Will Byers was once a host, proving that the monster's key puppets can survive their possessions.
They also theorize that Billy could also still be alive because perhaps the Mind Flayer is, too. It wouldn’t be the first time the Hawkins crew thought they had defeated a horrific monster, just to find out it was still hanging in the shadows.
Lastly, though many people have attributed the post-credits scene in which the Russians mention “the American” locked in one of their cells to Hopper, Bustle argues that it could just as easily be Billy. Who's really to say?
Even though we “saw” Billy die in a gut-wrenching scene with his little sister, Max, it wouldn’t be the first time the Duffer Brothers tricked us--if he did survive.