'Temptation Island's Ben Knobloch Tells All on What Really Happened With Ashley Howland After Leaving the Show

- Ben Knobloch was a single from Phoenix, Arizona, looking for some fun and romance upon joining Temptation Island Season 2.
- He soon hit it off with Ashley Howland, who came onto the show with her boyfriend Casey Starchak.
- Ben and Ashley left the island together, but during the reunion show, they revealed they split soon after the dating show.
Out of all the pairs to come out of this season of Temptation Island together, Ashley Howland and Ben Knobloch seemed like they'd last. After Ashley saw her boyfriend, Casey Sharchak, totally dismissing their relationship while he was off with the “sexy singles,” Ashley turned her situation around and was ready to move on. Following a quick love triangle, she ended up with Ben, who she continually gushed over. It was no surprise—even after Casey proposed—that she chose to leave the island with Ben.
But the reunion show totally changed everything. Tonight's explosive special showed that not only were Ashley and Ben no longer together, but there were some unresolved problems between them. We caught up with Ben after the big show to ask him all about his Temptation Island experience, and what really went down wth Ashley after they left together.
Floor8: When joining Temptation Island, did you actually think there was a chance you’d be leaving in a relationship?
Ben: When joining Temptation Island I had absolutely no expectations. Obviously I am searching for love, as is most people out there. In my thinking, if I had no expectations, no matter if I was voted off the first night or found love, I wouldn’t get upset.
Floor8: You told Ashley that you were into her right off the bat. What initially attracted you to her, and did you think she’d feel the same way?
Ben: Obviously the physical attraction is what draws you to someone initially. It wasn’t until after the first cocktail party that I really got to know Ashley. Her and I laughed for the better part of an hour before production told us to go talk to someone else. I realized she wasn’t just a pretty face. I had no way of knowing how she would react to my advances or feelings. I figured what’s the worst that can happen, she says no? Seems like a chance I’m willing to take.
Floor8: Obviously Ashley fell super hard for you. But considering her history with Casey, did you have doubts prior to the final bonfire that she would ultimately leave with him instead?
Ben: I had seen her grow and realize maybe what exactly she wanted from this whole experience is something completely different than what she came into it thinking. Ashley was beginning to see that maybe she doesn’t need anyone to make her happy. I told her that I would have been stoked for her to leave alone rather than go home with Casey. She had taken four steps forward on the show and going home with Casey would have been five steps back. I'd be lying if I said I knew 100% she wouldn’t go home with Casey, but she even heard him say that he’s going to give her a “sales pitch” to win her back.
Floor8: During the reunion show, Ashley said you broke up with her because you didn’t have time, but you claimed it was because she hooked up with Casey. What exactly happened?
Ben: This is when it gets interesting. Ashley and I spent a month or two seeing each other on the weekends following the show. We weren’t officially dating at this point. Another week or so goes by and I start noticing “red flags” between Ashley and I. I've suffered from more than one heartbreak in my life, so I like to think i'm mature enough to recognize the signs or a relationship headed for toxicity. My long work days leading to Ashley getting upset with me (understandable) and wanting more attention. I tried my best to FaceTime her as much as I could after work and text during the day. It seemed this still wasn’t enough attention and I hadn’t even started school yet. I was about to be twice as busy.
The next weekend Ashley flew out to see me and it was then that she asked about our status as a couple. She asked if I would wanted to be her boyfriend and for some reason—maybe because I didn’t want to hurt her or possibly it was my own conflict avoidance—I said yes. The bickering continued and two to three days after I agreed to make her and I official, I called her to end things. I did my best to explain to her why I felt that way and why I thought she should be single for a while. We remained friends but we were seeing other people and going our separate ways.
A few months passed and she reached out to me asking about possibly trying to date again. I missed her and figured we could go have fun on a desert camping trip. It was on this trip that we really confirmed the fact that we would never work in the real world. What really gets me is her lack of any sort of filter when she’s drinking. We were out with a few really close friends of mine, all of whom are married or engaged. Ashley began cracking jokes about threesomes and foursomes with my friends and it was at that moment I knew she was never going to meet my family. The Ashley I met on the island was this sweet girl and now I found myself in the company of someone I didn’t care to associate with. She flew home and we agreed that we weren’t right for each other and wished each other the best.
Floor8: Where do you stand with Ashley currently?
Ben: We remained in contact as acquaintances and anytime she needed help I was happy to lend a hand. Up until recently her and I were on good terms. I'm really looking forward to seeing what stories she boasts on social media in order to damage my reputation. I’ll keep a shower running for her so she can clean herself off after she’s done rolling in the mud.
Floor8: Despite no longer being with Ashley, are you still happy you went on Temptation Island? What advice would you give singles coming onto the show?
Ben: Oh absolutely! Temptation Island was such an awesome experience. Production and everyone we worked with was super fun and professional. It just important to keep in mind that anyone going on reality TV needs to know whatever traits you have will only be exemplified in post production—if you’re an ass, you’re going to look like a donkey. If you’re a genuine person, you’re going to look like a knight.