'Temptation Island's David Benavidez Tells All on Alleged Threesome Incident and His Guilt With Kate

- David Benavidez and Kate Griffith came onto Temptation Island to ensure that they truly belong together.
- Things escalated when David was involved in an alleged threesome incident, where it seemed he hooked up with Payton Burgess and Samantha Hoffman.
- David denies a legitimate threesome went down, and is apologetic for hurting Kate.
If you're all caught up on Season 2 of Temptation Island, then you know that emotions are high right about now. From stars having to choose between two suitors, to finding out that their boyfriend just betrayed them for one night of fun, it would be an understatement to say that things have not gone as planned for the couples. This rings true for David Benavidez and Kate Griffith, who joined the reality show as a means to prove that they should stay together.
But everything changed when David was involved in what seemed like a threesome with two of the single ladies, and Kate saw the footage during her bonfire ceremony. We caught up with the Hoboken resident, and he told us exactly what went down that night, along with his feelings towards his girlfriend afterwards.
Floor8: Both you and Kate had trust issues from past relationships prior to entering Temptation Island. What were you looking to get out of the show? Did you believe you and Kate would leave the island together?
David: It was 100% my idea to go to Temptation Island. My goal in bringing Kate was to show her that I wasn’t a completely different person when she wasn’t around. Going into the show, I was really hoping we would each work on the things we knew we needed to work on individually and leave the island a better, stronger couple.
Floor8: From the beginning it seemed that you attracted many of the “sexy singles.” Was there one person who initially caught your interest especially, or were you just trying to play the field and test out your options?
David: I definitely think there were singles that caught the attention of all the guys in the beginning. At the start, I was looking to see who I had good conversation with and that’s who I spent most of time around.
Floor8: Obviously Episode 4 got a bit wild with you, Samantha, and Payton. Did you ever think things would escalate that far when you first came onto the show?
David: To say that I never thought something like that would happen is an understatement. Hooking up with any of the singles was not my intention nor was it the reason I went on the show.
Floor8: You took to Instagram after the threesome incident aired to try to share your side of the story, but ultimately deleted the posts. Can you explain what exactly went down that night? Was there a legitimate threesome?
David: There was no threesome or sex that night. What viewers saw was exactly what happened that night—showering with Samantha and making out with Payton and that’s where it stopped. I did not kiss Samantha.
Floor8: You seemed a bit regretful the morning after. What were you feeling as you reflected on what went down? Did you think you and Kate would be breaking up?
David: The next morning, I felt like the biggest piece of s**t in the entire world. As I sat and started to piece together the night, I realized how f**ked up my actions were. I had just let myself down and most importantly my girlfriend Kate down. At that point, I knew what Kate’s upcoming bonfire clip was going to be and I had an emotional breakdown for almost the entire next day. That feeling of guilt stuck with me throughout the rest of the show and still does to this day.
Floor8: What was the reasoning behind your decision in asking Samantha on a date after everything that happened? Did you want to pursue her seriously or were you not thinking that deeply into it?
David: I actually asked Samantha on a date prior to the blackout party. Samantha and I had previously had some nice conversations so I thought it made sense to choose her for my next date.
Floor8: You knew that Kate would see the footage of you with Samantha and Payton during the bonfire ceremony. How did you predict she would feel seeing you naked with two other girls?
David: I knew that Kate would be devastated after watching my clip at her bonfire. After she had to watch Toneata and I in the hot tub the week before, and to now see this, I was disgusted with myself that I had actually done the things I had done up to that point.
Floor8: If you could’ve seen Kate and spoken to her after the threesome incident, what would you have said?
David: First and foremost, I would have been completely honest and straightforward and told her absolutely everything that had happened—I don’t know what all she would’ve seen at the bonfire. I would not even attempt to explain my actions because there is no explanation or justification. Just because I was drinking was no excuse for my actions. All I could say is that I am extremely sorry, and what she saw in the clip is not the type of person that she knows and not the type of person I am or want to be.
Be sure to follow David on Instagram here. Season 2 of Temptation Island airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET/9 p.m. CT on USA Network.