15 'The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart' Memes That Perfectly Sum Up How We All Felt Watching the Premiere

The latest spinoff from The Bachelor franchise, Listen to Your Heart, premiered tonight on ABC, and although many fans of the series swore they wouldn't be watching after Peter Weber's incredibly dramatic season, we all tuned in to see what was good. The show has proven to already be drama-filled, with a handful of first kisses and of course, some cringe-worthy moments happening in tonight's episode. Many fans live-tweeted the premiere, which means there are tons of hilarious memes online already.
Here are 15 of the best Listen to Your Heart memes which perfectly sum up how we felt while watching the first episode.
1. It's the perfect time to introduce a new show.
I'm half convinced ABC started COVID-19 so that people would be so incredibly bored that they will actually watch Listen to Your Heart #TheBachelorLTYH pic.twitter.com/SmExhTAODs
— #StayHomeForFootball⛏️ (@Grace_PF) April 13, 2020
2. Things feel right again, if only for a moment.
Chris Harrison on the screen. I feel safe again. #TheBachelorLTYH pic.twitter.com/Vy77GHMQwX
— Ria (@BarstoolRia) April 14, 2020
3. Did any of the producers watch A Star is Born until the end?
ABC: we were inspired by the love story in A Star is Born
— Paige Wiley (@paige_wiley) April 14, 2020
Anyone who’s actually seen A Star is Born:#TheBachelorLTYH pic.twitter.com/xjbePMCk47
4. Hm, unsure about that.
Chris Harrison: One of you could be the next JayZ and Beyoncé
— rgausepohl (@rgausepohl) April 14, 2020
Me: #TheBachelorLTYH pic.twitter.com/m9nV8lejrD
5. That was a, uh, awkward opening.
Jaime: what’s your best childhood memory
— bachelor trash (@nataliekeller98) April 14, 2020
Ryan: well I had seizures when I was younger
Bachelor Nation: #ListenToYourHeart #TheBachelorLTYH pic.twitter.com/EQhLP1Ee7y
6. The resemblance is striking.
Trevor is Nick and Derek’s love child and you can’t tell me otherwise #TheBachelorLTYH pic.twitter.com/GGiwTvRD7l
— anna (@annamarie_t16) April 14, 2020
7. Everyone has a twin on this show, apparently!
I’m telling my kids this was Shawn and Camila #TheBachelorLTYH #ListenToYourHeart pic.twitter.com/FwDmMj2e3q
— ? (@tswiftsbt13) April 14, 2020
8. Most cringe-worthy moment of the premiere, hands down.
no one:
— kathleen (@kathleen_hanley) April 14, 2020
nobody at all:
not a single soul in the world:
this beatboxing guy michael for some unknown reason: #LTYH #ListenToYourHeart #TheBachelorLTYH pic.twitter.com/OIF4Io3TOq
9. Yeah, no.
Being at a party where everyone circles around a piano and sings is my actual worst nightmare #TheBachelorLTYH pic.twitter.com/kj9oaZRZt0
— The Betchelor? (@betchelorpod) April 14, 2020
10. Welp, you're fully in it now, Jamie!
Jamie: I dOnT wAnT dRaMa
— Amanda Orr (@amandakokesh) April 14, 2020
Also Jaime: *makes out with two guys on the first night* #ListenToYourHeart #TheBachelorLTYH #LTYH pic.twitter.com/OlhGa60waF
11. Imagine "outside." A concept.
Julia: Have you been outside? I love outside#TheBachelorLTYH viewers: pic.twitter.com/XsVzjwvfbU
— FanSided Entertainment (@FanSided_ENT) April 14, 2020
12. Good guess!
"the date card said Let your heart sing, so I imagine it has something to do with singing?" #TheBachelorLTYH pic.twitter.com/8PWN93Qkys
— Listen To Your Heart? (@BachShitCrayZ) April 14, 2020
13. She flipped on him.
Me watching Rudi confront Matt #TheBachelorLTYH pic.twitter.com/v6a0YDyXOC
— Francesca (@BarstoolFran) April 14, 2020
14. That was a legitimate close call.
Me when Ryan almost got sent home #TheBachelorLTYH pic.twitter.com/3M81D6Deyj
— anna (@annamarie_t16) April 14, 2020
15. Wonder how Jed's doing tonight.
Jed tuning into tonight’s show after writing his 5th dog food jingle #TheBachelorLTYH pic.twitter.com/betwQGf9r9
— Bryce Steckbauer (@BSteckbauer) April 14, 2020