The Unusual Reason Ariana Grande Fans Are Attacking Her Online

Billboard Women In Music 2018 - Arrivals
Billboard Women In Music 2018 - Arrivals / Mike Coppola

Being the hugely successful pop star that Ariana Grande is, there will always be some sort of criticism about something, even about the littlest things you do. But this one reason fans are now calling out Grande is just bizarre.

Fans are now furious after a person on Twitter claimed Ariana slept with her makeup on. You know that famous look of hers with the iconic winged eyeliner?

The tweet read, "I forget to remind y’all about your skincare ONE night and not only do YOU ALL fail me but ARIANA GRANDE HERSELF LEAVES HER EYE MAKEUP ON... I’m staying on y’all necks for the rest of eternity don’t ever complain again!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Grande's response? "Still exfoliated and did a la mer mask LEAVE ME ALONE SIS." She continued after many questioned her bad makeup habit, adding, "I have toner. And the Burt’s Bees wipes. Am I all the way wrong? I’m so sorry pls help me."

Do fans really have to worry about Ariana's face breaking out? She's a big girl, she knows where to get a facial or professional skin care.

[h/t: Capital FM]