Todd Phillips on Possibility of Crossover for Joaquin Phoenix's Joker and Robert Pattinson's Batman

Although many DC fans have been hoping that perhaps, in the future at some point, superhero newcomers Robert Pattinson and Joaquin Phoenix could come together for a crossover, one important person is not so sure it's a good idea.
Joker director Todd Phillips has given a thumbs down to the possibility of Arthur Fleck crossing paths with Pattinson's Batman. According to Screen Rant, Phillips weighed in during an interview with Variety, bluntly stating, "No, definitely not." This comes after a retracted comment from about Phoenix during an interview Pattinson did with Variety had fans speculating they'd be working together soon.
Todd Phillips Says Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker Won’t Meet Robert Pattinson’s Batman
— Variety (@Variety) September 10, 2019
Despite Phillips' hard pass on a crossover no doubt disappointing fans, we all have many reasons to still be extremely excited for his upcoming film. Joker has already received tons of critical acclaim during its run in the festival circuit, and it just won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival. Many believe it's a shoe-in for the Oscars, with even the Venice Film Festival director saying it will "for sure" be a contender for the awards show.
We can expect the film to hit theaters on Oct. 4.