Tom Holland's Dad Comments on the MCU Losing Spider-Man

Sometimes we just need a dad to tell us everything is going to be okay. And, in this case, it had to be Spider-Man’s.
Peter Parker star Tom Holland’s father, Dominic Holland, is assuring distraught fans that everything is going to be alright, and that Spider-Man movies will still continue to get made, USA Today reports.
Dominic Holland via Instagram! #Wimbledon
— Tom Holland Brasil (@tomhollandbr) July 16, 2018
The British comedian and writer posted on his blog this week that, though the deal between Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios fell through and in turn is taking Spider-Man out of the MCU, he is confident we will see the webbed hero on screens once again. He wrote:
“I have no inside track on such issues… whatever is decided by the big suits at these big Hollywood studios – my hunch is that the show will continue. Too much at stake and too many dollars riding on it – and besides, everyone wants the same thing; namely, Spider-Man on large screens keeping people safe and entertained. And with Tom in the suit, for the time-being at least.”
Though he wrote confidently about his “hunch,” he did admit that he knows nothing of the deal, and hasn’t even talked to his son about it. His blog posts are merely his opinions, and I have to say I agree with a lot of them, especially when he said, “Predictably, speculation is rife. Boycotts are being called for. Heads must roll. Heads will roll. #saveSpider-Man – and when Super-heroes need saving, then we truly are in trouble.”