VIDEO: JJ Abrams Reveals Surprising Way 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' Script Was Almost Leaked

After all the blood, sweat, and tears director J.J. Abrams, presumably put into the final chapter of the Skywalker Saga, The Rise of Skywalker is finally done, and in just a few short weeks, will be out for our viewing pleasure. But though Disney and Lucasfilm worked tirelessly to ensure that the upcoming film remained a complete surprise for fans, including printing scripts on uncopiable paper, Abrams revealed this week that all that secrecy almost blew up like the Death Star.
GQ Magazine reports that The Force Awakens director recently stopped by Good Morning America to promote the new installment. In the interview below, he revealed that one actor made a small mistake that almost leaked the entire ending to the film.
“One of our actors, I’m not going to say which one—I want to, but I won’t—left it under their bed, and it was found by someone who was cleaning their place,” Abrams recalled. “And it was given to somebody else who then went to sell it on eBay.”
He continued, “Someone at the company said, ‘There’s a script that looks like it’s a legit script that’s for sale on eBay.’ So he bought it, and they got it back before it sold.”
Looks like the hawk-eyed employees over at Disney showed those opportunists who's boss…you know, by paying them a lot of money for their own script.