Why Kendall Jenner is Facing Backlash After Jumping on Instagram Live With Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin

Kendall Jenner is facing backlash for comments surrounding coronavirus.
Kendall Jenner is facing backlash for comments surrounding coronavirus. / Robino Salvatore/Getty Images

Kendall Jenner is in hot water with fans after recent comments were made on Instagram Live with Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin. Like the rest of us, the three mega-stars are stuck at home over COVID-19 safety concerns, but people weren't exactly appreciative of what they had to say about the situation.

As reported by Yahoo! the 24-year-old model started off by touching upon how grateful she is for her brand new house. "Oh my god, it's literally my favorite place on the planet," she told the Biebers. "I worked for so long to get it to the point it's at. I renovated it for like a year."

The Biebs chimed in and laid down a few comments of his own, stating:

"How blessed are we? A lot of people obviously in this time have a crappy situation. They look at us and obviously we worked hard for where we're at so we can't feel bad for the things that we have but I think us taking that time to acknowledge that there are people who are crippling is important. We send our love and support to them."

But fans at home felt that the comments from Jenner and Bieber were not sensitive to the dire situation many are facing, and took to social media to complain. One person insisted the trio are out of touch with reality, posting a screen-grab of their IG Live session which you can watch below.

Another couldn't stop thinking about how the pair seemingly feel about the lesser fortunate.

However, the Jenner family hasn't exactly turned a blind eye to the pandemic. Kendall's sister Kylie donated $1 million towards masks and other protective gear for healthcare workers, so maybe Kendall will take a page out of her book. We hope so, anyway.