Will Sansa Stark and Theon Greyjoy Get Together in 'Game of Thrones'?

If Season 8 of Game of Thrones has taught us anything so far, it's that we're still getting seemingly unnecessary romances. A popular critique from the premiere episode was that it spent too much time on cute scenes between Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow, including a few very corny lines from the pair. In the second episode, we saw Arya Stark and Gendry have sex, and although some criticism of the inclusion might be overreacting, many have pointed out it seems like writers were just trying to shove another romance down our throats. So how about a new one forming? Thrones fans are now discussing the possibility of Sansa Stark and Theon Greyjoy getting together.
Sansa x Theon is that OTP we never knew we needed #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/SOImpXCyOx
— chiara | sansas hand (@lovelysophiet) April 22, 2019
Although Theon seriously betrayed the Stark family, seizing Winterfell on the orders of his father Balon in Season 2, he redeemed himself in the eyes of Jon Snow and Sansa when he helped the latter escape from the torturous Ramsay Bolton in the Season 5 finale. The pair split after Theon decided to return to the Iron Islands in Season 6, and that was the last Sansa saw of him—until the most recent episode, "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms."
The second episode of the final season saw another long-awaited reunion, this time between Sansa and Theon. When Theon arrived at Winterfell, Daenerys asked why he's not with his sister, Yara. "I want to fight for Winterfell, Lady Sansa. If you'll have me," Theon declared. His statement was met with an emotional hug from Sansa, which had just about everyone watching like, "awwww."
Many are now suspecting there could be a romance between the two. Redditor Flori1019 claimed there was "sexual tension" at the end of the episode, posing the question to others of whether something more than platonic could be there or not. "I was thinking it would kind of be cool if they got together and ended the bad blood but he’s a eunuch and she will need to continue her house," one fan replied. Others were quick to agree with this. Although there could be a romance, they would not be able to have kids, as Theon was emasculated by Ramsay while he was being tortured earlier on in the series.
Some fans argued it might not be sexual, but that the two simply have "some kind of deep and very complicated emotional bond." One wrote, "They're the perfect pair, if you really think about it. After all the things that she has endured I doubt she wants anyone touching her, and he couldn't do anything to her anyway."
Although we definitely wouldn't put it past Game of Thrones to have Sansa and Theon turn romantic, they likely just have a strong bond based on both pain and trust. As many fans are speculating Theon will die in the upcoming episode which is expected to feature the battle of Winterfell, it will be all the more emotional knowing how much Sansa cares about him.
But at the end of the day, anything goes in Thrones. We'll just have to continue watching the final four episodes to know for sure.